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Mercury Retrograde Dates 2016

Mercury retrograde dates 2016

Mercury retrograde dates 2016

Mercury is going retrograde in the sign of Libra on September 9, 2022. This astrological event will impact the balance you have—or lack—in life. Mercury retrograde will impact all zodiac signs, but Libra, Aries, and Gemini will feel it the most.

What dates are Mercury in retrograde?

On Sept. 9, Mercury will go retrograde for the third time in 2022. During this stretch, which ends on Oct. 2, you may hear all sorts of things being blamed on the planet of communication's retrograde period, from technology mishaps to misunderstandings with friends and loved ones.

Is it Mercury retrograde right now 2022?

Mercury's next period of retrograde motion lasts from September 9 to October 1, 2022! According to the age-old practice of astrology, we are all influenced by the effect of Mercury in retrograde. What exactly does it mean for each of us, though?

What happens to your body when Mercury is in retrograde?

Expect to have more or less energy than you're used to, particularly of the nervous variety. will either sap you of your usual zest and leave you feeling lethargic, or fill you with chaotic, scattered energy that might have you feeling restless, unfocused and anxious.

What shouldn't you do during Mercury retrograde?

An exhaustive list of what not to do during Mercury retrograde

  • Hold off on signing any contracts. Making a big purchase?
  • Be prepared for traffic and other travel mishaps. ...
  • Avoid situations primed for misunderstandings. ...
  • Don't rely on technology. ...
  • Delete that "U Up?" text from a toxic ex. ...
  • Refrain from starting anything new.

Is Mercury retrograde real?

Of course, actual scientists point out that any “retrograde” motion by Mercury is an optical illusion. And they vigorously dispute the core belief of astrology, that the motion of the planets can influence events here on Earth. In fact, studies have shown no correlation between the behavior of planets and of people.

Does Mercury in retrograde affect emotions?

According to Daisy, Mercury being in retrograde could cause huge relationship challenges, such as cheating, betrayal or loss of intimacy. She says: "As this planet appears to retreat, it may feel like it's all going wrong in your love life, as you bring up issues and arguments from the past.

Why do exes come back during Mercury retrograde?

“Mercury retrograde is bringing the past forward, and back to us, including past relationships,” Potter says. “I find that it's usually when something is unfinished that it comes back. So a past fling with unfinished business might reach out because they've been thinking about you, or miss you.”

What happens if you get married during Mercury retrograde?

A couple married under the effects of Mercury retrograde will have to constantly check in with each other, respect each other, and communicate. If something is off in the relationship, a couple can always use this retrograde period to solidify their bond and learn from their mistakes.

How do you survive a Mercury retrograde?

How can I survive Mercury retrograde? Surviving Mercury retrograde is pretty simple: Remember to proofread everything, choose your words carefully, avoid signing contracts (or review them extra diligently), back up your data, and plan for travel mishaps.

What are the retrogrades for 2022?

All the retrogrades happening right now:

  • Dates: September 9, 2022 to October 2, 2022.
  • Signs: Libra (September 9, 2022 to September 23, 2022) and Virgo (September 23, 2022 to October 2, 2022)
  • Dates: July 28, 2022 to November 23, 2022.

How does Mercury retrograde affect relationships?

With communication going haywire, Mercury retrograde can really mess with romantic relationships, family dynamics, and emotions in general. You may say the wrong thing at the wrong time, send an awkward text, or double-book plans.

Can Mercury retrograde make you depressed?

Mercury retrograde is not the cause of your depression, but there are plenty of stressors during the holiday season that can make you more depressed, disorganized, and less communicative.

Do breakups during Mercury retrograde last?

Breaking up with someone is a big change, and during Mercury retrograde, has a tendency to be long and drawn-out. Depending on the strength of a relationship prior to the breakup, a couple can either end their relationship for good, or break up and get back together after some time.

What does Mercury retrograde mean spiritually?

While Mercury Retrograde has become known as a dreaded messenger of mix-ups, miscommunication, and madness, we firmly believe that when we align ourselves with the energy of the universe instead of fighting it, life will always be in harmonious flow.

Can Mercury retrograde cause anxiety?

Introspection aside, Gailing adds that communication snafus that tend to ensue during Mercury retrograde can cause symptoms of anxiety, which can also result in a lack of sleep.

How long does Mercury in retrograde last?

Three to four times each year, Mercury goes through a three-week long retrograde cycle when the planet appears to stop, pivot, and move backward in the sky.

How do you use Mercury retrograde for your advantage?

Mercury retrogrades are perfect for slowing down and stepping up your go-to routine for nurturing your mental and emotional wellbeing. Try stepping up your meditation game, going for nature walks, or checking in with your therapist more frequently.

What is the science behind retrograde?

Answer: Retrograde motion is an APPARENT change in the movement of the planet through the sky. It is not REAL in that the planet does not physically start moving backwards in its orbit. It just appears to do so because of the relative positions of the planet and Earth and how they are moving around the Sun.

Is retrograde an illusion?

We call the retrograde motion that we see “apparent” because the planets which exhibit it appear to be changing directions from our vantage point, but in reality, there is no such change in the planets' motion. Instead, it is just an illusion caused by the dynamics of the solar system.

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