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Neptune Transit 8th House Pisces

Neptune Transit in Pisces: Date & Time It is considered in a good state in Pisces. It transits in one sign for almost 14 years so to complete the entire zodiac circle from Aries to Pisces, takes about 165 years.

What happens when Neptune enters Pisces?

All about Neptune in Pisces or in the 12th house You're likely to be more unstructured, spiritual and free-flowing in this part of life—but you might also have moments that you feel gripped by inexplicable fear.

What does Neptune in 8th house mean?

Neptune in the eighth house indicates that you are more in touch with your unconscious than most people. Planets in the eighth house suggest a person who is interested in all things above our material reality. With your natal Neptune in eighth house, you love learning about spiritual topics.

How long does Neptune transit through a house?

This slow-moving planet's transits are long-lasting, and each transit takes its time to unfold. Transiting Neptune can spend 13-14 years in one house alone, sometimes more and sometimes less.

What does Neptune transit mean?

In fact, the entire point of a Neptune transit is to get us closer to divinity in some way. Neptune in its most beautiful expression is spiritual awakening; the ability to unconditionally love and to absolve oneself of any feelings of guilt and disappointment so that we can focus on the light.

What degree is Neptune in Pisces?

That means if you have any planet in 22 to 25 degrees of Pisces, you are having a Neptune transit to that planet this year.

Is Neptune in Pisces good?

Natal Neptune in Pisces grants you an uncanny ability to tap into the productive forces of dreams and imagination. You easily dance along the border between imagination and reality and your capacity for active manifestation is immense. You may dream about a certain person, then get a call from them later that day.

When did Neptune move into Pisces?

Neptune has an extremely long orbit; it takes 165 years to move through the entire zodiac, with 14-year journeys across each of the 12 signs. In 2011, Neptune entered Pisces, where it will continue drifting until 2026.

Where is Neptune in Pisces?

Neptune is at the mermaid's tail end of Pisces now, but there are still a few special moments to come.

What does Pisces in 8th house mean?

Eighth House Pisces are all the time predisposed to be subjected to dangers of the corporate world and borrowed money. They can end up in tremendous debt and even bankrupted. More than this, they can have serious problems when dealing with inheritance or when having to share ownership.

What rules the 8th house?

The eighth house is ruled by Scorpio and the planet Pluto (in astrology, Pluto is still a planet). The eighth house is a mysterious sector that rules birth, death, sex, transformation, mysteries, merged energies, and bonding at the deepest level.

What is the 8th house about?

IN Astrology, the 8th house represents sex, taboos, death, resurrection, and other people's possessions. It is also considered an entryway to the spirit world and is sometimes associated with the occult and magic.

How long will Jupiter and Neptune be in Pisces?

Neptune—the planet of spirituality, intuition, dreams, and illusions—will create the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction. This is a once-in-a-lifetime occurrence, as the last time these two planets came together in the sign of Pisces was 1856 and it won't happen again until 2188.

Where is Neptune right now astrology?

Neptune is currently in the constellation of Aquarius.

How long is Neptune square Neptune transit?

Neptune square Neptune transit is a generational mid-life crisis transit that happens to everyone about age 42. It lasts about 9 to 12 months depending on Neptune retrograde. You will start to question your goals and how much you have lived up to your ideals, dreams, and expectations.

How does Neptune retrograde affect us?

During the time that Neptune spends retrograde, you might pay more attention and take notice of issues such as self-deception, addiction and longing. You may even come to terms with the fantasies that are OK for you to continue believe in, because they help you get through the hard parts of life!

What is a Neptune return?

Like Pluto, Neptune moves super-slowly, taking 164 years to travel through all 12 signs, so you won't ever experience a Neptune return. However, between ages 40-43, Neptune, the planet of spirituality and dreams, forms a square to your natal Neptune.

When did Neptune go into Aquarius?

Neptune goes into Aquarius in 1998 for about 14 years where it is fallen and will stimulate science, spiritual awakening and imagination, greater use of drugs in psychology, and further advances involving chemistry and genetic engineering.

When was Neptune last in Pisces?

Neptune spends about 14 years in each sign, which means it takes 165 years to transit the whole zodiac. The last time these two planets met in Pisces was 1856, and the next time will be in 2188 — and there's a reason astrologers are dwelling on their movement into this particular sign.

What planet rules Pisces?

The fish are usually portrayed swimming in opposite directions; this represents the duality within the Piscean nature. They are ruled by the planet Neptune.

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